Hands of Grace

Mission Statement
Assisting the elderly and/or disabled of Fulton County, OH, in maintaining their dignity, independence and quality of life by providing needed services through a network of congregations, organizations, and individual volunteers.Mission Goals
- To provide respite and support for families and other caregivers.
- To provide supportive services to the elderly and disabled. These services will help them to live independently, as long as safely possible.
- To offer companionship, friendship, physical and mental stimulation, and socialization to those persons who may have become isolated from the community through their physical and/or cognitive limitations.
Vision Statement
Caring Hearts, Helping Hands.Join Us For A Fun Filled Evening!!!!
Purses For A Purpose - Thursday September 26, 2019
Tickets NOW available. Call the Office 419-822-3556. Credit cards accepted.
Click Here For The Large Flyer.