hands of grace

Hands of Grace

A local ministry providing compassionate services to the elderly and disabled within Fulton County, OH since 1997. Find out how we can help your family member, friend, neighbor, fellow parishioner,or someone you know, to improve and maintain their quality of living.

Mission Statement

Assisting the elderly and/or disabled of Fulton County, OH, in maintaining their dignity, independence and quality of life by providing needed services through a network of congregations, organizations, and individual volunteers.

Mission Goals

  • To provide respite and support for families and other caregivers.
  • To provide supportive services to the elderly and disabled. These services will help them to live independently, as long as safely possible.
  • To offer companionship, friendship, physical and mental stimulation, and socialization to those persons who may have become isolated from the community through their physical and/or cognitive limitations.

Vision Statement

Caring Hearts, Helping Hands.

Join Us For A Fun Filled Evening!!!!
Purses For A Purpose - Thursday September 26, 2019

Tickets NOW available. Call the Office 419-822-3556. Credit cards accepted.

         Click Here For The Large Flyer.